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About Me

The Value-Added Distributor (VAD)

Red Code Security (RCS) started off as a forensic software and hardware reseller to mostly law enforcement and government agencies.

Today, we are appointed as the Distributor in Southeast Asia by 3 principal vendors . We have resellers working together with us in Malaysia, Vietnam, Thailand. And we expect more resellers to join our network within the region.

Even though it began with a 2 man operation team, our revenue of over $1.6M exceeded many expectations and placed the company in good stead for further expansion. Currently, we have a team of 12 people dedicated to the work we do and performing in their various areas of expertise.

Our professional services and sales support team work with a wide range of public and private sector customers for:

  • Endpoint Security,

  • Digital Forensics investigations,

  • Data Recovery,

  • E-Discovery litigations and

  • Incident response matters.

The team encompasses a diverse range of skill-sets and experiences from fraud investigations to malware incident response to provide the best services to our customers.

Dish Antenna
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